Below is a slideshow of photos taken by the 16 participants in our Peace in Focus - Bujumbura workshop. They are 8 boys and 8 girls between the ages of 14-17 from Bujumbura and the surrounding region of Bujumbura Rural. They are former child soldiers, orphans of HIV/AIDS and the war, refugees, displaced and homeless youth. They represent the rich ethnic, religious, and cultural diversity of Burundi. Their stories represent an emerging narrative of resilient and dedicated youth from the Great Lakes Region of Africa. Through the following entries, you will learn about them, their stories, the activities they experienced during our workshop, as well as their creative and unique vision for peace and social change, which they wish to share with you.
These photos were showcased at the Burundian Palace of Art and Culture in late August 2008.
We are grateful to our local partner organization, Jamaa, which provided untold amounts of support and continues to work with these inspiring young people. This summer was the first step in what we hope will be a long-term effort by Peace in Focus to engage Burundian youth in a creative dialogue and visual discourse for peace and reconciliation in their country.
To read more, please visit: Peace in Focus