Friday, July 6, 2012
Stereotypes Facing Africans
Stereotypes are problems that Africans face a lot. For example Somali people have been identified as pirates and terrorists but they are not. Africa is identified as a very poor continent even though Africa is very rich in culture and natural resourses. Africans are identified as illeterate, not brave and often seen as one, but in reality the continent is extremely diverse, and some countries in Africa even have their own writing system as for example Ethiopians do. Ethiopians and Somalis have defeated Italians when they were trying to colonize them, which shows that they are brave. Africa is also viewed as a very uncivilized place which is filled by jungle and Africans live in the jungle running around naked, but in reality most of Africa is urban and most Africans lead an urban life and wear clothes.
Challenges Immigrants Face
When immigrants first come to a new country they go through a lot of problems and hit a brick wall. Immigrants face problems economically, socially and they face some type of discrimination. Immigrants usually feel isolated and different but if they understand the fact that they are in the USA now and they are part America and they should still retain their culture. Moreover, if immigrants have community people and organizations by their side they are more likely to succeed and improve both economically and socially. On the other hand, immigrants almost always need help finding jobs and a good education and that’s usually what organizations are there for. For example, there is an organization in the Boston area called ACEDONE and it mainly focuses on youth’s education but always helps adults find jobs. They helped hundreds of new immigrants get a job and apply for social security, food stamps and other helping programs from the government. On the other hand, there is another organization SDC that helps African communities especially Somalis with any legal problems with the government such as jury duty, housing hearings and any problems with the law.
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Who We Are...
Since we ask our students to describe themselves through words and images, we thought we should share who we are...
Joel, our Program Coordinator describes his work with Peace in Focus & gives you a tour of our space:
Friday, June 1, 2012
Who We Are...
Since we ask our students to describe themselves through words and images, we thought we should share who we are...
Renee, our Communications Coordinator describes her work with Peace in Focus:
Renee, our Communications Coordinator describes her work with Peace in Focus:
Wednesday, May 30, 2012
"I AM" Photography Exhibit was a success!
Thank you to everyone (especially Youth In Action Somalia) who came out and supported our recent photography exhibit at United South End Settlements! The event featured artwork by youth in the US, Africa, and Caribbean. Inspiring youth participants from our Boston programs talked about their inspirations and experiences.
We are excited to continue bringing great programs this summer. Look for our photography exhibit opening in the gallery space in Boston City Hall this July and more workshops coming up in Boston and Mexico this summer!
Check out these photos from the "I AM" Photography Exhibit:
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Small Shelter
Thank you for sending us your photos for our "Homecoming" Photo Contest!
Check out this photo taken by Tatevik, a 23 year old from Yerevan Armenia:
This photo shows my room. My small, old room, which I designed with different posters, funny and cute stuff. I love and miss my small shelter where I spend all my life every time I leave.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Who We Are...
Since we ask our students to describe themselves through words and images, we thought we should share who we are...
Jonas, our Curriculum Development Coordinator describes his work with Peace in Focus:
Thursday, May 10, 2012
I Am: An Exploration of Identity Community and Homecoming
Peace in Focus Photo Exhibit
I Am: An Exploration of Identity Community and Homecoming
May 23, 2012 from 6-8pm
United South End Settlements
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
PROSPERITY CANDLE is the perfect gift for Mother's Day!
are the light of the world. Every mother can give the light to her
children and other people.” ~ Moo Kho, Burmese refugee candle-maker & Mom of 3 girls
Support a Mom like Moo Kho as she rebuilds her life this Mother's Day with a beautiful Prosperity Candle gift.
Prosperity Candle's Mother's Day gifts
are gifts that truly give back, many times over. Each meaningful gift
gives to a Mom in your life, while also enabling the who made it to earn
above a living wage. And now, these gifts benefit our work as well!
When you shop for a gift from Prosperity Candle,
credit (Peace in Focus) at checkout under "How did you hear
about us?", and 10% of your purchase will support our work.
Every candle is a vehicle for social change and global connection. You can connect with the woman who made your candle by finding her name on the label, looking up her bio, and sending her a message from the Prosperity Candle
website. Consider making a connection between Moms around the world
this Mother's Day, the way one woman, Lauren, did last year. Read more about her story here.
To start, take a look at their gift collection here.
All orders of $75 or more include free shipping. Be sure to order by
May 7th for prompt delivery and mention (Peace in Focus) to
help us raise funds!
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Contemporary History of Roxbury
Roxbury is a historically rich architectual community in Boston. It has recently become diversified and it remains " the Heart of Black Culture in Boston." Roxbury is one of the first towns founded in Massachusetts Bay in 1630. In today's time Roxbury has many historical places that have been rebuilt and restored throughout the city.
John Eliot square was a strategic meeting point for soldiers during the Revolutionary War because its elevated Highland over Downtown Boston. |
A time to unite with peace
The meaning of peace is to communicate with other people with out any kind of violence or other problems. These pictures below shows us how peace works in a variety ways and helps to discourage violence. One way to keep peace is by keeping social justice.
Photographing Shakeem's Rest in Peace pin he wears to remeber his friend that was taken by violence in Boston.
Spread the love, Antonio (black) and Gio (white) converse about the violence in Boston that has taken the lives of young. Gio, 17 years of age, explains it has to stop because it stems from foolishness.
In support of Trayvon Martin black hoodies are worn by high school students in Boston. Trayvon Martin's death is an example of the disese we call violence in America. We need PEACE!
Gio, 17 years old from Boston, feels that violence should cease ASAP in the streets in Boston and beyond. Gio was close friends of middle school student Taewon Martin who was shot and killed in Boston 2010.
Why so common? Shakeem wears a pin to remeber his friend middle school student Jaewon Martian who was killed in a Roxbury commuinty in Boston where the death amongst youth increases yearly.
created by: Antonio Stroud, Betsegaw Gillo, Yabetse Gillo and Sahro Muse
The Men of Roxbury
In every strong community positive male role models are necessary for the community to strive, but in Roxbury men are often depicted with negative stereotypes. This photo-essay specifically targets males in this community because they historically have had a great influence in their neighborhoods. Men in under-privileged communities are often stereotyped, looked down on and faced with prejudice from on-lookers. This photo-essay sheds light on an alternative view of men in the community and challenges traditional stereotypes.
Photo by: Ruth Densamo
We met 16 year old Marcus standing near John Eliot Square saying he wants to be viewed as equal. "I don't want to be higher or lower than anyone, but equal."
Photo by: Misgana Alemu
At first glance these young men, parked at Jeep Jones Park, could be seen as threats, but since their arrival they have just been socializing.
Photo by: Ruth Densamo
The boy on the right, Shakeem, stands with Peace in Focus training member, Antonio, in front of Juba Market & Cafe. He carries a pin with a picture of his brother, Jauwan Martin who was lost to gun violence on Heath Street.
Photo by: Ruth Densamo
In this picture, you see an older male spending time with a younger male in Jeep Jones Park. The importance of an older and younger male relationship is emphasized.
Photo by: Selam Dejene
This hand belongs to Emmanuel Alemu. This picture, taken in Jeep Jones Park, is a positive example that symbolizes the peace that the men in this community strive for.
Photo by: Misgana Alemu
Peace in Focus is the non-profit organization that funded the photography class that enabled the students to take the above pictures.
Created by:
Selam Dejene, Naima Abdullahi, Ruth Densamo, Hawa Yassin and Misgana Alemu
Monday, February 13, 2012
"A leader is person who thinks about his community, who thinks about the world."
Frederick Clermont is a member of the Youth Leadership Council (YLC) of Mercy Corps. An inspiration to young people in Haiti and the world, his message challenges us to be leaders in our own communities.
Friday, February 3, 2012
L'education Haitienne
Lycée Toussaint Louverture, Fondé le 26 Septembre 1946, situé a la rue St. Honoré est l’une des Plus grand Lycée de la Capitale.
Lycee Toussaint Louverture: Il n’a jamais su dire non a la vie, on lui fait confiance. Et tout leader qu’il est, resistant et immortel ne fait acception d’aucune ordre naturelle. Secousses ou tremblement sous ces deux pieds restent ferme et marche… Recours pour plus d’un milier de jeunes, aide a la remontee de l’education, instruit, forme et forge des citoyens, des cadres et de leaders pour demain.
College Saint Louis Roi de France : Meme quand tout semblait se voiler dans les brouillards des successions des evenements, malgre le destin fatal que lui dansait les aventures de ses plus sombres jours, quand au loin l’horizon de ses portes multipliait le chaos de savie en pluralites de mysteres incontournables, son drapeau dans l’etandar de l’histoire fera encore route ves ce pour qui il a vu le jour…
On reconnait le guerrier aux cicatrices de son épée. : Lycée Toussaint Louverture, College Saint Louis Roi de France comme un phœnix renaissent de leur cendres, attendent leur heure pour transformer leur légende jusque par delà les horizons…
Le transport a Port-au-Prince
Que les conditions sont bonnes ou mauvaises, le transport en Haïti nous montre que la réalité sociale reste intacte. Mais pour qu’il y ait un changement, il faut la participation de tout un chacun. Alors à vous de voir ce qu’il faut améliorer.
La journée s’annonce plutôt bien, très ensoleillée… le dynamisme quotidien est au rendez-vous.
Par ailleurs, monsieur l’imprévisible, le klaxon des voitures, le vrombissement des moteurs mènent la danse.
Encore… encore… encore et encore et plus on devient fatigué, impatient et on s’attend chacun à faire le prochain arrêt.
Un peu d’eau ne serait de trop et le trafic interminable attire d’autres activités commerciales.
Ouf !!! Enfin c’est l’arrêt, tous deux sont sortis assez satisfaits.
Mais la journée est elle rentable ?... On l’espère bien….
A suivre...
Remerciement à nos reporters :
Eugene Anne Vayola
Julien Luxon Ludanho
Lamery Samuel Guisseppe
Sainvil Giovanna Vannessa
Remerciement spécial à Peace in Focus
Daniel David, Kate, Renee et Makeda
Tous droits réservés Février 2012