Wednesday, August 6, 2008

De Boston à Bujumbura (From Boston to Bujumbura)

Welcome to Burundi

We invite you to take a glimpse into the lives of the participants from our Peace in Focus - Bujumbura workshop. Our August 4 - 15 workshop has 16 participants between the ages of 14-17. They are 8 girls and 8 boys. Among them, there are former child soldiers, orphans of HIV/AIDS and the war, refugees, displaced and homeless youth. They represent the rich ethnic, religious, and cultural diversity of Burundi.

Our Bujumbura participants on Day 1

More importantly, they are bright, astute, kind, hardworking, and hopeful young people that have a role to play in steering Burundi away from its violent past in the direction of social healing and an inclusive visual discourse about the future of their country. Their stories represent an emerging narrative of resilient and dedicated youth from the Great Lakes Region of Africa. Through the following entries, you will learn about them, their stories, the activities they experienced during our workshop, and their creative and unique vision for peace and social change, which they wish to share with you.

-Peace in Focus team

(Peace in Focus Workshop in Bujumbura, Day 2)

-Histoire de la photographie (History of Photography)

Moi j’ai été intéressée par ce que j'ai entendu sur la photographie son origine, ceux qui l’ont créé et son évolution dans le temps j’ai aussi les sortes d’appareils (mécaniques et numériques).
(I was interested in what I learned about the history of photography, those that created photography, it's evolution over time and the different kinds of cameras.


Ce qui m’a intéressé dans le jeu BINGO c’est que je le trouve amusant ça m’a aidé à me détendre, ça m’a aidé aussi à mieux connaître mes partenaires
(I liked BINGO because it was a fun game and it helped me to relax and it also helped me to get to know the other participants.)

Commentaires de NADEGE (Blogger of the day, Nadege)

Nadege's photos:

Big sister

Bujumbura Rural

-Manipuler l’appareil (How to use the camera)
Cette activité m’a beaucoup plu car j’ai appris utiliser l’appareil numérique (allumer, zoom, comment supprimer les photos, chercher les meilleurs angles…..)
(I really liked this activity because I learned how to use the digital camera (turn on/off, zoom, erase, look for better angles...)

-interviews et présentation des partenaires (interviews and partner presentations)

Durant cette activité j’ai pu connaître mieux les autres participants, leurs passés, leurs vies, leurs rêves et leurs ambitions. Également c’était amusant d’interpréter le rôle de celui que chacun veut devenir (médecin, journaliste célèbre, sportif international, vedette de cinéma, hommes politiques. )
(During this activity I was able to get to know the other participants, their past, their lives, their dreams, and their ambitions. It was also fun to role play the person that we want to become [doctor, a famous journalist, international athlete, a movie star, a politician.])

Commentaires de VALERE (blogger of the day, Valere)

Valere's photos:

Independence Square, Bujumbura, Burundi

Working mother, near the Central Market, Bujumbura


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