Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Changing the film within


A famous person once said, "a picture is worth a thousand words." I love being able to look at the simplest pictures and get so much out of it. And another quote is, "you need to be there to believe it." There are people that can't be there so we have cameras, which become our second pair of eyes to show people our point of view, and to be more specific the different social issues in our community and how we want others to see our community. Peace in Focus allows me to capture the moments and find meanings to pictures. =) This program teaches us that we need to open our eyes and be aware. And most importantly keep the PEACE! I myself enjoy looking at different perspectives and getting new ideas. From the few days that I have been in Peace and Focus, I learned that the world is like a screen projector. When you go to the movies and you see something you don' t like about the movie, you don't go up to the projector and erase it. You have to go to the film in the back and change it from there. Well, in this case, we are the film and the world is the screen. If we want to change the world, you have to start with yourself! PEACE IN FOCUS =)


What I like about Peace in Focus is that you yourself are willing to escape from your community when you’re stressed or depressed. This group helps you give good back to your community. You make peace to stop violence. To stop the killing and to stop fighting but violence overall. "Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us..........your playing small does not serve the world.........we are all meant to share as children do.'' We have a lot of issues in this world: violence, death, healthcare, homeless people, hungry people, global warming, drugs, sexual assault, hatred, and ego. These are some of the problems that we face and with Peace in Focus we can end these bad things.

1 comment:

  1. Iris and Aisha, both of you make excellent points about changing the film in the camera and realizing our own potential for social impact. I think one of the biggest misconceptions is that young people do not have this power until they are in positions of power. But you have many opportunities in front of you to make a difference. You have made friends during this workshop that also want to bring peace and social justice to our community. Let this help you to start a movement! You are leaders and I know you can do it.
