Monday, October 18, 2010

Burundi Workshop: Day 2


I am KAMANGO Ally, I live at Jabe quarter n°234, and I’m sixteen years old. The school I attend is near home, and is called COMIBU High school. I’m fond of soccer; I play in Olympique De Prince Soccer team.

There is a thing that always excites me, that is to see people from different ethnic groups marry or just fall in love each other. However, I dislike to see people doing injustice to others especially when its an older person who oppresses a younger one or a stronger people ill treating a weak one.

Today, we have been taught many new things, such as how to use the display to shut down the screen in order to keep the battery charged a long time. I do know that we use the aperture to increase or decrease the amount of light that enter in the camera. The games we played were very interesting and amusing, we played at knot game and soleil (sun) game.

One more thing I’d like to say is, thank you to JAMAA and its partners for organizing such a workshop, I think that photojournalism can help one to gain his daily bread. I have nothing to give you but I wish u success and I pray GOD to help you in all your endeavors.

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